Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The use of heat

 We hear so many things about heat and hair. Don't do this and don't do that. It seems like everything is don't. I've heard only use heat very little or not at all. I've also heard hair burns at 425-450 degrees. I hear the curl pattern will be destroyed if you use heat and so much more. Well I blow dry my hair. There is so much advice out there and it all seems to contradict what another is saying. Do I always blow dry my hair? No.

What are the different types of heat your ask? I only use the flatiron maybe twice a year because I don't want to deal with it. I do stay away from straightening combs though. You couldn't pay me to sit for a straightening comb. I had enough of that as a child. I also don't like the fact that I can't control the temperature of the comb. They also have the electric brush which I have yet to use. One of my cousins have one and she loves it.

Like I said I do blow dry my hair but I don't do it all of the time and again that is just personal preference. I know what my hair can and can't take and that's my point I know what I can do with my hair. When you are just starting over with your natural do its ok to experiment because your hair is short and if its damaged from anything you do it doesn't take much to start over. I started using low heat when I was transitioning on my hair dryer. Since I had two different textures I noticed high heat would break off the relaxed hair. My hair reacts differently now that I'm back to natural. Notice I said back to natural, I didn't go natural because I was born with this type of hair. I went to a relaxed style and now I'm back to natural. You've probably heard me say it and I will probably say it again.

Now I'm not saying go and do whatever and damage your hair but what I am saying is feel free to experiment. Hair grows. I know people say black hair doesn't grow and that's a lie, it does grow. The problem is people don't know how to take care of it but that's my next topic of discussion.

My next posts will focus on me speaking to a group of young ladies convinced that black hair can't grow and how in 6 months I changed their minds. At some point I will talk about hair color. Someone requested that I speak about a particular subject but I need to gather my thoughts on that instead of just rambling.

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