Thursday, March 17, 2016

Hair Challenge

I'm finishing up my 3rd week of the hair challenge and I have to say I have a few mixed reviews to report. My hair does feel lighter and  softer but I'm dealing with dry scalp. Its something I've always had an issue with but it lets me know my scalp isn't get enough moisture.

I've also experienced more shrinkage than usual. My hair when stretched reaches pas my shoulder, I've been wearing 2 strand twists since last friday. I usually get a good 3 days before it looks crazy but this time I was able to get 5 days and then I retwisted them. My twists normally stop at the shoulders but this time it looks like I'm rocking a short bob and my hair is stopping just past my ears.

I do still have some build up but I think its mostly dry flaky skin from my scalp. I realized I need to step of my moisture game if I'm going to continue on with this. I like trying all of these different things but I try to keep using the same products. I don't want 8 different kinds of shampoo and conditioners in my bathroom. I mean really who has that kind of space.

I have noticed that if I don't actively moisturized my hair it looses its shine. I have to pay more attention to my hair than I thought I would. I'm still not sure how I feel about it but I'm going to until the 28th. I want to do the full 30 days to get an honest opinion. I came into this with and open mind and want to finish it with an opinion one way or the other.

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