Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Good Hair?

Since I was a young girl I was constantly being told that I have good hair. I've always wondered what that meant. I never understood it. I now can see why my hair was so different than some of my cousins.

Thinking back on my childhood some of my cousins had a bit of a raw deal. Their hair never had a chance. My aunts were beer drinkers and when using that awful medieval torture device (the hot comb) it would burn out their hair. My cousins had burned out hair and burned out scalps and at Easter time any hair that was grown was eventually damaged with the traditional candy curls.

I was having a conversation with 2 of my cousins who complained that their hair never grew. We were talking and they asked what my secret was and when I laid it out for them they didn't believe me. We set up a challenge of where I had full control over their hair for 6 months and they couldn't do anything without talking to me first. I gave them 2 hairstyles to alternate between and told them if it didn't work then I would pay them back for all of the hair products I had them buy.

The first two months had them discouraged. The problem is you just can't reverse damage and I had to make them realize this. We started with a trim, we had to get the dead ends off. When I say dead ends I mean all the damaged hair and there was a lot of it. By the time we got ready to start their hair maybe reached the ears and I boxed up almost all of their hair products. We finished the six months in January and in 6 months their hair had grown a few inches. They could see a difference and they were very excited. They have been keeping up the hair routine but adding a few new styles here and their. I wish they would let me post pictures but they were uncomfortable with it so I didn't push.

There are many myths but black hair does grow. All hair grows it just depends on how you take care of it. Moisture is one of the keys. There are no mysteries and I like to believe that all hair is good hair but its all different. One person may have beautiful wavy locks and another might have another tight set of curls. We have been taught to believe that our hair is nappy and I don't know about you but the people who made me believe my natural hair was wrong have all been black people. Next time I will post about my reasons for getting a relaxer and how I came to the conclusion that returning to natural was best for me.

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